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Posts tagged “The Walking Dead

The Zombie Narrative & Political Discourse

Anyone even slightly interested in contemporary (pop) culture could not have helped but notice a steady increase and popularity of the zombie narrative in recent years after a significant period of having been marginalized to the fringes of contemporary culture and pulp fiction. A narrative that has often been dismissed as nothing more than brainless (pun intended) entertainment.

In recent years the zombie narrative van be said to be resurging and becoming more and more popular and mainstream. Movies such as “28 days/ Weeks Later”, “Shaun of the Dead”, “Resident Evil”, “Planet Terror”, and hosts of others have been coming out in increasing numbers and gaining more and more popularity. And I am not even mentioning the enormous popularity of “The Walking Dead”  both graphic novel and tv series. With this rediscovery of the genre also comes the question as to why these zombies have been rearing their undead heads again in popular culture after so many years of absence.

